
Welcome to your Honors American Studies blog. We will use this tool throughout the course to discuss current events and reflect upon class discussion.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My picture

I chose this photo because it represents high school norms. At high schools you will always find a variety of kids all coming together for the same reason...to get an education. No matter how different each child is they all focus on one main thing and that is to further their education so they can succeed in life. At school people are usually classified by the way they are. There is the popular kids, the weirdos, the band people, the smart kids, football players, cheerleaders etc. These cliques of people allow everyone to find a place to fit in amongst themselves. People group off according to their interests and comfort levels. Even though different groups of people make up the school, we all end up in the same place and for the same reason.

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